Congratulations on the new son, Tim!
Tyler James ?Hey, what happened to Jehovah
hey folks!.
thought'd you enjoy my latest video, i've had it written for a week or more just getting away from the newborn enough to record it has been a super hassle.
a woman made a video about living forever on paradise earth and how she wouldn't get bored in it because there's so much she's wanted to do in this life that hasn't had a chance to do because of her "circumstances".
Congratulations on the new son, Tim!
Tyler James ?Hey, what happened to Jehovah
another post (here is credit due to shawn: ) inspired me to ask the question:.
how the heck do angels fly?
it is an anatomic impossibility.
Another post (here is credit due to Shawn: ) inspired me to ask the question:
How the heck do Angels Fly?
It is an anatomic impossibility. Birds (especially birds that fly), have an enormous breast muscle and supporting breast bone in order to flap them mighty wings.
If angels are spirit creatures, and therefore I guess weightless, why the heck do they need wings? If they somehow resemble humans anatomically, then those wings seem to be just a 50-100lb backpacked deadweight.
What gives? The godly directed, yet not inspired, vision of the WT artists, the delusions of Brooklyn in general, the magnetic field of the Earth?
What do you think?
in the last 7 years 3 neighbors have died.
all were not expected.. when i lived in winnipeg our neighbor died.
he was healthy one day and gone the next.
Could you please move to 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY, USA?
after lurking around here for about a month, i thought it's appropriate to introduce myself to such fine group of people.. i was never a jw.
been married to a baptized mate for over 15 years.
my wife was never technically all in, more of a fader, rarely went to meetings, the occasional memorial, a convention once or twice.
Thank you again everyone for the warm welcoming words. Already feel a part of the family.
I realize my early exit had more to do with a lucky draw, rather than with any special smarts on my end - especially with having a spouse pretty much on the same page.
A WT/Communism parralel post is in the works; will post in the next few days.
who comes up with this stuff?.!/pages/i-am-looking-forward-to-paradise-here-on-earth/117300504952608?ref=nf.
Just to quote my favorite so far:
"Leslie Rosario: since I can't swim, I am looking forward to swimming with my favorite animal the dolphin and swim at the bottom of a waterfall" Swim with the dolphin at the bottom of a waterfall?!? Nevermind that dolphins live in salt water and there are quite a few waterfals in the ocean... Man, Dubland is a scary place.... -Yanafter lurking around here for about a month, i thought it's appropriate to introduce myself to such fine group of people.. i was never a jw.
been married to a baptized mate for over 15 years.
my wife was never technically all in, more of a fader, rarely went to meetings, the occasional memorial, a convention once or twice.
Oooooooops, poopsiecakes, ...
And, no, you can't use popsiclecakes, no matter how much you like it. It's trademark protected
after lurking around here for about a month, i thought it's appropriate to introduce myself to such fine group of people.. i was never a jw.
been married to a baptized mate for over 15 years.
my wife was never technically all in, more of a fader, rarely went to meetings, the occasional memorial, a convention once or twice.
Thanks everyone for your warm welcomes.
I will try to answer some questions posted in the replies:
Heartbreaker – my wife’s introduction to the board will have to happen at a later time. I can see that she had some struggle accepting the facts, even as gently as I presented them. You guys here are too intense for her right now …
Snowbird, upnorth, shopaholic, zoiks popsiclecakes, and aSphereisnotsCircle – thank you for your warm welcomes, looking forward to reading more from/about you.
Leavingwt – thank you for your welcome and for the giving me the award for having certain questionable words on my very first post last night ..
Teel – hello neighbor (and a partner in crime on former ideology )
Dissed – yes, I am actually reading the bible. I want at least to be able to put everything I know about it in proper chronology. Thank you for the link.
Mad Sweeny, Yknot and jwfacts – the similarities between the communist propaganda and WT tactics are so many that I may have to think out and post a separate thread. In a nutshell, however, they can be summed up with: us vs.them mentality, exclusivity of information, self-proclaimed liberator of the masses, demand for free labor, intimidation, spying and using family members as a weapon against you, zero tolerance to dissenting opinion, secretly using and very much enjoying the very “goods and services” their ideology fights against, etc, etc, etc. I can go all day. I will write a more coherent post in near future to elaborate on those and give personal accounts, if anyone is interested.
Awildflower – thank you and I am really glad it has worked out for you too; give a kiss to your husband. Frankly, I want to buy him a beer, but he’ll probably appreciate more the kiss from you.
after lurking around here for about a month, i thought it's appropriate to introduce myself to such fine group of people.. i was never a jw.
been married to a baptized mate for over 15 years.
my wife was never technically all in, more of a fader, rarely went to meetings, the occasional memorial, a convention once or twice.
Hello everyone,
After lurking around here for about a month, I thought it's appropriate to introduce myself to such fine group of people.
I was never a JW. Been married to a baptized mate for over 15 years. My wife was never technically all in, more of a fader, rarely went to meetings, the occasional memorial, a convention once or twice. I accompanied her to most events. Things started getting more "serious" a couple of years ago when the occasional knock on the door caught her at a really low point emotionally after losing a close family member and a good friend in a very short period of time. Then the knock on the door and the tract must had been a "sign from Jehovah".
We started going back to the hall, a bible study was arranged for her to be brought up to speed and I, not having any particular spiritual background, tagged along, thinking that I may benefit from some spiritual direction. A bible study was arranged for me too with a young elder (this oxymoron should have been my first clue to the path of dissonance) and there was a fairly uneventful year of regular” bible" studies, going to the Sunday meetings, Circuit Assemblies, Convention, etc...
During that time, I was silently beating my head against the table about the garbage thrown at me. I am very analytical by nature and if 2+2 ain't 4, there is no way I can accept that and move on. Yet, I kept thinking that maybe I don't get it just yet and need to "study" more to get the big picture. In the mean time, I started getting the questions of "what my spiritual goals are", the urgency to set such and the commitment to follow through with them. My wife was also being coerced to start FS again and the whole nine yards.
Something felt wrong...
All I had to do is look up JW on my trusted Wikipedia for the can of worms to get opened....I lived half of my adult life under Communist regime in the former Eastern Block and let me tell you - the resemblance between the old communist tricks and the WT methodology is so striking, that I feel fully competent to share experiences, give advice and be an authority in JW matters, even though I had never been one. It was like eerily strung déjà-vu moments and experiences I had long forgotten about.
Now I had to break it to my wife somehow without jeopardizing the marriage and her standing with he WT. We had an unusually open and easy discussion, given the sensitivity of the matter, and I was happy to find out she had mostly the same doubts but never voiced them. She wants to remain in good standing because of her (utterly delusional) sister and a good friend still very much in.
I made an easy call to my "bible study" elder conductor and told him that I am suspending the studies until I sit down and read the entire bible on my own so I know what the heck am I "studying". Man, I wish I recorded that call. Only now in retrospect I see all the manipulation and loaded language he threw at me. He was content, but audibly furious about the turn of events. That was 4 months ago; have not heard from him since. I hope I spooked him or maybe he really bought into the idea that I was somehow possessed by demons and Satan is using me to stumble him. Whatever.
My wife is playing along, deflecting/ignoring calls from "concerned" sisters, enjoying again her weekends and (hopefully) slowly fading away form the Borg...
Looks like the self imposed "imminent danger" has passed, but I am preparing silently in the background to fend off any future attempts for the "Friends" to guilt her back in. Reading here some of the first hand accounts of family division (and outright devastation), it will be over my dead (and unressurectable ) body I allow this to happen without a fight.
In the short time I’ve been a part of this community, all of you have given me reassurance of the evil nature of the Borg, insight and so many ideas of how to fight back, if that becomes necessary. I am looking forward to learning a lot more.
Thanks for reading my (so far) happy ending rant and I hope to contribute here as well, if with nothing else, at least with the real life experience that people who were once in and have gone back, can still be pulled out of the "jaws of death".
i had never heard of this before - i wonder if it would work?
south african women may be issued with anti-rape condoms ahead of the football world cup.
Oops, clearly not a good intro . My apologies to the powers to be here. ...
i had never heard of this before - i wonder if it would work?
south african women may be issued with anti-rape condoms ahead of the football world cup.
...and his state of excitement will have to remain indefinitely for said device to remain attached, no?
(NOTE: Post edited to replace potentially offensive word.)